4km from kuala besut,3km from bukit keluang, There is a playground and a beautiful natural lakes, basic facilities provided,Shaded by willowy trees, this scenic beach is ideal for picnicking on the golden sand. Pulau Perhentian can be clearly seen from here. The beach is very well-taken care of with facilities for recreational activities for the families in the evenings and weekends.

From Kuala Lumpur, take the East Coast Highway heading towards Kuala Terengganu. From Kuala Terengganu, head towards Kota Bharu. The beach is located in Kuala Besut near the border of Terengganu and Kelantan.
If you are from Kota Bharu, head towards Kuala Terengganu and when you reach Jerteh in Besut, take the exit to Kuala Besut. You'll find the beach before you reach the Kuala Besut Jetty.

By Bus:
Buy a bus ticket at Hentian Putra Bus Station, Kuala Lumpur to Besut, Terengganu.
Local bus: Take a bus running between Kuala Terengganu-Kuala Besut

By air
There are flights to Kuala Terengganu by Malaysia Airlines. From the airport, grab a taxi to Besut.
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